Sunday, November 21, 2010

StarWars Day!

My friend Kara loves.. and I mean LOVES.. StarWars. I'm not a really big fan myself, but I guess its okay. We went to a local Star Wars day event and I gotta say that those 501 guys are kinda hawt. At least using my imagination that they each look like Harrison Ford under the helmet they are (yes yes, I know he wasn't a stormtrooper).

Here is me wearing Kara's helmet with one of the ...friendlier... 501 guys. You may refer to him as "the wannabe future Mr. Kara"
Things I learned today:
Its better that the helmets are kept on or the illusion is gone
Its called a TaunTaun, not "those kangaroo things they ride on"
There are different types of stormtroopers
Kara gets hit on wherever we go and it is *always* hilarious

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