Friday, March 11, 2011

Jeff Dunham LIVE!

For Christmas one thing I got for Vincent was a set of tickets to see Jeff Dunham live. Sure, I got the tickets in December and we had to wait until March to see the show- but I get priority odering on tickets so I got us in RowC, center!!!

We were very excited to have our tickets:

I gave Vince an Achmed (the dead terrorist) talking bobblehead along with the tickets, and at the show we got the matching Walter talking bobble head. (And a character scarf, and a talking Achmed pen, a talking Walter keychain, and a Achmed hoodie jacket... we had as much fun shopping the merchandise cart as we did at the show!) Say it with me now: "I keel you!"

Bobbley Heads:
The show was great, all new material (well at least new to us- none of the old jokes off the DVDs or Comedy Central specials) and even "Guitar Guy" was there. We saw Achmed (and new- his son!), Walter, Peanut, and Jose Jalapeno on a stick! I'm actually glad they didn't include Bubba Joe or the other less-funny characters like the weird pimp guy and the superhero. Excellent Christmas present and date night!

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