Sarah got blog-tagged so here we go:
1) Post rules on your blog
2)Answer the six "8" items
3)Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment
8 Favorite TV shows:
- Scrubs
- Friends
- Ugly Betty
- Dancing with the Stars
- Desperate Housewives
- Psych
- the Sarah Silverman Program
- the News
8 Things I did yesterday:
- Worked on the monthly budget
- Worked at work
- Played starcraft with friends
- Attempted to learn how to play poker, but decided it was dumb
- Went out to dinner with Vince on an impromptu date
- Went out to breakfast with Vince on an impromptu morning date
8 Things I look forward to:
- Being a full-time teacher
- Getting caught up on everything...someday
- BlackFriday!
- someday being debt free including the house
- Taking that dream Disney vacation
- ..the future in general
- Being 70 years old with neon orange hair and fishnet stockings... I'll be old enough to get away with it I think.
- The end of this semester (its been a hard one)
8 Favorite Restaurants:
- Blue Bayou
- Macaroni Grill
- Chipotle
- MocaSalsa
- Olive Garden
- Famous Dave's
- Guadalahonkeys
- Chilis
8 Things on my wish list:
- Get my whole house cleaned/organized
- For us (Vince, me, Olie, Frank, and Penny) to be healthy and happy
- To have more time to date my husband
- For Vince to go to college and finish his degree
- Have a romantic weekend away from EVERYTHING
- to always look younger than I am
- To someday have a big ranch/farm to adopt all the rescue puppies that need homes
- To have enough money to live comfortably
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