Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our Spooky Halloween Adventures will be updated later.
Right now we're too busy out haunting.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

One week til a WICKED good time!

I bought our tickets back in what- Feb? And yay a week from right now we will be on our way back from the show! Woohoo! I love fancy theatre dates with my hubby- and what better day to see this one than Halloween?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oct 1/2 way gone

I don't know where all our time has gone lately. It is half way through October now and I'm ashamed to say we have barely decorated our house for Halloween at all. While this might not seem like such a big deal to some, you have to remember we are the people who usually start at the beginning of September just because we can't wait to spook-i-fy our lives. I blame work, being a responsible adult isn't all it is cracked up to be. We already have a VERY COOL thing/idea/plan for next Halloween, but you will all just have to wait a year to hear about it.

These dancing skeletons remind me of a classic Disney silly symphony cartoon I send to my old friend every Halloween along with the classic "trick or treat for halloween" Donald duck short. Some years it is the most contact we have, but we're still close, just busy like I said above. Thank goodness this weekend we have NO plans except to hang out at the house and do as little as possible all while living in our pajamas.